Originally developed for teaching ethics and professional responsibility at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign by C. K. Gunsalus, two-minute challenges are a form of micro-teaching designed to present realistic dilemmas in research ethics, along with a structured decision-making framework for responding.
What is a two-minute challenge (2MC)?
Each 2MC presents a dilemma based on real-life situations. Though they cannot all necessarily be resolved in two minutes, they usually require some kind of response in two minutes—or less. The 2MCs provide an opportunity, in a safe educational setting, to work through each challenge. The 2MCs are designed around problems that are directly relevant to the audience for which they are intended.
How can 2MCs be used in instruction?
2MCs can be posed, discussed and debriefed within short periods of time, permitting them to be used as discussion starters, segments of larger class sessions, at a journal club, or in a workshop on
research ethics. Topics covered by the 2MCs map to the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) education topics mandated by federal regulations. For example, in a class on research methods, a 2MC that relates to the topic of the class could be used as an opening or concluding segment. A
2MC could be also be assigned as a homework question and then later discussed in class or used as a short writing assignment.
For those who will be leading discussion of the 2MC, there is an annotated discussion leader outline. Each 2MC also includes a bibliography and links to current articles and events that help connect its topic to broader readings and resources.
Why this decision-making framework?
Different approaches to decision-making exist in ethics instruction, in universities and in corporations. This particular framework covers many of the questions that need to be addressed to resolve successfully dilemmas of professional and research ethics. Repeated demonstration and use of a structured analytical decision-making approach for ethical dilemmas can help develop moral reasoning. The goal is to foster more independent and sophisticated reasoning.
Pedagogical Framework
Using 2MCs promotes experiential, interactive learning, engaging learners in realistic situations they may encounter in research or professional life. Professor Gunsalus refers to this as the inoculation approach to problems: exposure to potential issues in small doses can keep students
from developing full-blown cases of ethical problems later in their research careers.
The 2MC approach to research ethics is intended to present ethical dilemmas as part of everyday life. The goal of this approach is to foster deeper thought about resolving dilemmas of professional and research ethics, and to develop analytical habits for approaching them. Too often research and
professional ethics education focus on compliance with regulations rather than fostering moral development and professional skills. The 2MCs are designed to assist emerging professionals in
identifying problems and developing thoughtful responses to them, including where helpful, possible personal scripts that can be used to address a problem while preserving professional reputations and options.
To view additional Two Minute Challenges, visit our main NCPRE website.
2MCs for Research Ethics
Authorship (Graduate version)
You are a beginning graduate student, having started in the program six months ago. Your advisor hands you a manuscript by one of the postdocs in your group and asks you to check the correspondence between numbers in a data sheet and the paper and to proofread it carefully…
Smoking Gun
You had just become a postdoc for a PI who gave me data on 50 subjects to work with. However, the research coordinator, who was resigning, told you that fMRI scans had only been done on 6 of the 50 subjects and that the results did not support the PI’s hypotheses …
Intellectual Property - Copyright
A scientist is invited to give a talk at a conference, sponsored in part by a US scientific organization and in part by a non-US scientific society. A condition of participating is to upload a manuscript containing the essence of the talk prior to the conference …
2MCs for Business Education
Stop Sign
It’s 2 a.m. and you are out with some friends. You are driving. The roads seem deserted. You come to a stop sign. Do you stop? …
Employee Discount
Your student loans do not cover the entire cost of college for you. While your parents would like to help, they just cannot do any more right now. In order to pay your bills, you get a job at one of …
Friend Asking You for a Recommendation
You have a summer internship with a very competitive firm. It’s been a great summer, and you have made a lot of good connections. You are telling your good friend about your experiences and they …
Conduct Abroad
You are the CEO of a large, multinational corporation. You have been alerted to payments by one of your major foreign subsidiaries that may be construed as bribery of government officials …
Brand Manager
You are working as a Brand Manager. Right after the release of a highly publicized new product, after shipping over 4,000 units to your customers, you receive a report that your R&D team has …
Pollution vs Profit
You are the CEO of a US-based company that specializes in producing high-tech products that are growing rapidly in the market. Your company is experiencing tremendous economic growth, and you …
A Tale of Five Fire Trucks
You are beginning to budget for the holiday season, and you must purchase gifts for your three children. Your total budget for gifts is $75, and although this is a bit of a stretch for you, you want …
Reverse or Not?
You are the CEO of Alpha Computers, a large multinational electronics company. Your company pays royalties to Beta Electronics Suppliers for special-purpose and unique components used in a key …
Not Expired or You're Fired?
You have just been hired at McDonald’s in China. You’ve heard that it is statistically more difficult to be hired by McDonald’s than it is to gain acceptance to Harvard University, so this is a great …