
The National Center for Principled Leadership & Research Ethics (NCPRE) is dedicated to creating and supporting academic cultures of excellence: excellence in mission quality; excellence in exemplary leadership; and excellence in ethical and responsible conduct.


NCPRE is housed in the Coordinated Science Laboratory in the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We started with an NSF-funded project in scientific research ethics, and have come to see that fostering an ethical climate is inseparable from a wider culture of institutional integrity and principled, effective leadership. For us, leadership—and particularly ethical leadership—is a key component of setting institutional tone and promoting excellence in professional interactions and achievement.


We have put together a collection of leadership videos and tools that may be helpful in any stage of your career. Our resources build on the expertise of a broad range of consultants. With them the NCPRE team draws on a number of previously developed, evidence-based, and time-tested strategies, tools, and skills.

Contributers to the Leadership Collection

Andrew Alleyne

Higher Education Administration

Michael Loui

Higher Education Administration

Rob Rutenbar

Higher Education Administration

Barb Wilson

Higher Education Administration

Ed Feser

Higher Education Administration

Ruth Watkins

Higher Education Administration

Joan Dubinsky

Business Ethics

BrandE Faupell

Human Resources

Kendall Zoller

Private Sector

Susan Koch

Higher Education Administration

Klara Nahrstedt

Higher Education Administration

Steve Sonka

Higher Education Administration