The National Center for Principled Leadership & Research Ethics (NCPRE) is dedicated to creating and supporting academic cultures of excellence: excellence in mission quality; excellence in exemplary leadership; and excellence in ethical and responsible conduct.
NCPRE is housed in the Coordinated Science Laboratory in the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We started with an NSF-funded project in scientific research ethics, and have come to see that fostering an ethical climate is inseparable from a wider culture of institutional integrity and principled, effective leadership. For us, leadership—and particularly ethical leadership—is a key component of setting institutional tone and promoting excellence in professional interactions and achievement.
We have put together a collection of leadership videos and tools that may be helpful in any stage of your career. Our resources build on the expertise of a broad range of consultants. With them the NCPRE team draws on a number of previously developed, evidence-based, and time-tested strategies, tools, and skills.